are pleased to announce the birth of a healthy litter of
6 beautiful Ausiedoodle puppies on
November 3, 2022
Puppies are born and raised in our home as part of our family. From birth they become accustomed to the sights, sounds, and expectations of living in our house. They are socialized to different floor textures, household sounds, such as vacuum cleaners, coffee grinders, etc, as well as grooming tools such as combs, clippers, dremels, tables, etc. We are praying each puppy will become a loyal and valuable companion.
Both adults and puppies are regularly checked by a veterinarian and have received all age appropriate vaccinations and parasite control measures. All of our dogs receive yearly Pro-Heart injections to prevent heartworms and monthly Nexguard or Simparica for flea and tick control. All of our dogs eat a highly digestible Purina Pro Plan diet.
Dakota is an AKC registered Australian Shepherd. She weighs 47 lbs. Fisher is an AKC registered Moyen red and white Parti Poodle. He weighs 27 lbs. Puppies will most likely weigh between 30 and 40 pounds when full grown.
Dakota received pre-natal care which included Standard Process Catalyn and Calcium Lactate, Purina FortiFlora, and Wholistic Pet Organics Colostrum Powder in order to help her be as healthy as possible through pregnancy, delivery, and lactation.
Each puppy has had a thorough physical exam along with their first and second DAPPV vaccine. Each puppy has received Heartgard and Neguard.
Each puppy has been dewormed according to the CAPC (Companion Animal Parasite Council) recommended schedule which recommends administering anthelmintic treatment (dewormer) to puppies starting at 2 weeks of age and repeating every 2 weeks until regular broad-spectrum parasite control begins.
Puppies are ready to go home and are $1250.00 each.
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Yellow Collar
Red and White
I have gone home!
I have gone home!
Time to take a break...
Red and White
I have gone home!
Yellow Collar
Blue Merle
I have gone home!
I have gone home!
Red and White
I have gone home!
Yellow Collar
Black and White
I have gone home!
I have gone home!
Dakota and newborn puppies. 11-03-2022
Happy Puppies!!
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